Saturday 20 July 2013

Shower Of Shame

Shower Of Shame
By Andy Allchurch
Early morning misgivings
About this life i’m living
Certain worries are on my mind
I’ve got that sinking feeling
When i wake up thinking
What was it that i left behind
Got no inspiration
The bottle my only salvation
Clouds are hanging over my head
I’m just a social outcast
My life has no contrast
Maybe i’m better off left for dead
No family ambition
Since i broke with tradition
Branded myself the one to blame
I chose whiskey over love
As god is my judge
I’m walking in a shower of shame
No loving feelings
For people or their dealings
Burdend to accommadate a broken heart
I’m somewhere i should’nt be
Lost in a drinking spree
Alone and left out in the dark
Wanton and weary
The drink calls to me
Humbled i bow to the grain
There is only one ending
And that is just depending
If from the bottle i can refrain
No family ambition
Since i broke with tradition
Branded myself the one to blame
I chose whiskey over love
As god is my judge
I’m walking in a shower of shame
Indefensible and indifferent
A down and out deviant
Walking in the shadows with fear
What a fool i’ve been
Missing out on loves scene
For the spirit i hold so dear
Wrathful and worthless
Am angry, but i’m useless
Values have crashed to the floor
My time is now spent
A fact that’s most evident
Whiskey has tainted me to the core

No family ambition
Since i broke with tradition
Branded myself the one to blame
I chose whiskey over love
As god is my judge
I’m walking in a shower of shame
Advance my destiny
Lord do not pity me
Destitution has now reached the extreme
I can’t pay the toll
I am drowning in alcohol
Let me go alfresco to dream
Headlong into death
And with my last breath
Pray for the love i left
Sorrow is in my heart
This chapter the final part
Of a man that’s been over bereft

No family ambition
Since i broke with tradition
Branded myself the one to blame
I chose whiskey over love
As god is my judge
I’m walking in a shower of shame.

Copyright © Andy Allchurch 2013

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