Sunday 28 July 2013

No Flag of Truce

No Flag of Truce
by Andy Allchurch
Love for me has been strained of late
It’s off the track and in a change of state
No best foot forward for me
The spirits are low and there’s no, lifetime guarantee
The loving generosity just comes in a wave
But the aftershock temper is driving me to the grave
No kiss of freedom in sight
The memories suffered in the fight for, my right
I’m a victim of measured pressure promises betrayed
In the saloon of last chances I’ve hoped and prayed
Mother of mercy activate my release
Campaign on my condition where there’s hope, there’s peace
Its open season in private misconduct is forced
No audience is aware of the pain that’s being endorsed
No duty of care is upheld
A statistic alone in a broken home, obedience compelled
No rule too harsh for me to endure
I’m a puppet for pleasure made to feel so impure
Bad treatment so recent can’t complain
cause I feel like a weak link, in a chain
Nothing or nobody even friends on my scene
Notice a gladiator in their midst that’s breaking my dream
Bitter and broken down and out
The only way to go now is to stand up, and shout
Come hell or high water, I’m going to be strong
Got to leave these circumstances make it my swan song
To suffer inappropriate abuse
To walk on eggshells, with no flag of truce
To live a sentence in a ray of dark light
Is not the way I want to live the rest of my life
One thing has got to be coming or going
That’s love……but there’s, no way of knowing
Copyright © Andy Allchurch 2013.


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