Monday 19 August 2013

Depression Of The Mind

Depression Of The Mind
By Andy Allchurch
Am I in the right place?
Have I the right face
Am I living or close to death
What does my future hold?
Have I enough time to grow old
Is reality good or bad for my health?
It’s here and now, and way beyond
The drift is for catching, no swan song
Kindle the passions be warm of heart
But don’t expect what is wanted, from the start
For life can be a memory, in light or dark
Sensations retained in the mind give reputation, a benchmark
Do I need to make plans?
Is there need of guardians?
Am I downcast or lost in hope
What say you my horoscope?
Is the power of my position reduced?
And by this life have I been seduced
Located inside is spirit, a working machine
No officer is for saluting, command your dream
Only in existence can inquiries be found
The right of passage is open, reach common ground
As for descent it’s by design, its power of mind
Rehabilitate from imprisonment restore to former rank, be mankind
Copyright © Andy Allchurch 2013.

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