Tuesday 3 September 2013

God Harvest Me-------Take Me Home.

My body is in pain, it’s feeling its age
But my mind is with you God, that won’t change
It’s in perpetuity………. Perpetual sunshine
It’s a river of refreshment, with no end of the line
Faith is my fulfilment, my foundation stone
God harvest me………. Take me home
My body is my treasure, it houses my soul
It has to be your wisdom God, keeping it whole
It’s paying attention………. Attending you
On a road of salvation, when the dark of sin ensues
Faith is my devotion, my stepping stone
God harvest me………. Take me home
God take away this pain that my body is in
My spirit is high, but my bones are growing thin
My faith is not an issue; let my new life begin…..
…….. In heaven……..
The meaning of life, is to live by your rules
In heaven I’ll be alive, with spiritual virtues
God give me grace to stand by your throne
God harvest me………. Take me home
As this branch bends lower, on this ripened vine
Thoughts of being an angel of God, crosses my mind
Strong in knowledge……….  Knowing truth
In a sea of expression, the value of vision runs smooth
Faith is my fortune, my precious stone
God harvest me………. Take me home
I yield to your guidance, I submit to fate
And I’ll pray for your hand God, lying in wait
Loyal to commitment………. Loyally bound
A leaf in the wind, joyful to fall on heavens ground
Faith is my rock, my rolling stone
God harvest me………. Take me home
God take away this pain that my body is in
My spirit is high, but my bones are growing thin
My faith is not an issue; let my new life begin……
………In heaven……..
The meaning of life, is to live by your rules
In heaven I’ll be alive, with spiritual virtues
God give me grace to stand by your throne
God harvest me………. Take me home.
Copyright © Andy Allchurch 2013.

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